Installing Git

Git is a free and open-source distributed version control system. It is used to manage the versioning of any text-based project. The following instruction can be used to install Git on your device.

Installing Git for Windows

Complete the following steps to install the latest version of Git on Windows:

  1. Go to in new window
  2. Download the appropriate Standalone Installer
  3. Install Git using the default settings

After the installation is complete, find and open Git Bash from the Windows Start menu, and type git --version. If a version number appears, Git has been successfully installed.

Before you can start using Git for the first time, you need to configure it. Run each of the following lines in Git Bash. You will only need to do this once.

# sets up Git with your name
git config --global "Your Name"

# sets up Git with your email (use your Algonquin Email)
git config --global ""

# makes sure that Git output is colored
git config --global color.ui true

Installing Git for macOS

Complete the following steps to install the latest version of Git on macOS:


The following instructions will require using the Terminal. You can find the Terminal application on your computer at the following location: /Applications/Utilities/

You can also access the Terminal by typing 'Terminal' into Spotlight.

1. Open a new Terminal window

2. Enter the following command into the Terminal window and hit return

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"


During the process, you will be asked to press return to continue. You will also be asked to enter your computer's password. When entering the password, your cursor will not move or change. If you make a mistake, hit return and try again.

3. Open a new Terminal window

4. Enter the following command into the Terminal window and hit return

brew install git

5. Enter the following command into the Terminal window and hit return

echo "export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc

6. Open a new Terminal window

7. Enter the following command into the Terminal window replacing Your Name and hit return

git config --global "Your Name"

8. Enter the following command into the Terminal window replacing youremailaddress and hit return

git config --global ""

9. Enter the following command into the Terminal window and hit return

git config --global color.ui true