Manipulating Classes

On of the most common changes made to an HTML Element by JavaScript is adding, removing and toggling classes. Because this is so common, JavaScript has a special class object and a set of methods specifically for HTML Element class manipulations. Using the classList object of an HTML Element, we can add(), remove() and toggle() classes.

Adding Classes

To add a class to an HTML Element, we can use the classList.add() function. It is possible to add more than one class at a time by separating them by a comma.

$link.classList.add('btn', 'btn-primary')

Removing Classes

To remove a class from an HTML Element, we can use the classList.remove() function. It is possible to remove more than one class at a time by separating them by a comma.

$link.classList.remove('btn', 'btn-primary')

Toggling Classes

To remove a class form an HTML Element if it is present or to add a class if it is not, we can use the classList.toggle() function. It is NOT possible to toggle more than one class with a single function call.
