
StandardJSopen in new window is a Visual Studio Code extension that adds a JavaScript linter for the JavaScript Standard Styleopen in new window.

Once installed and configured, the extension will automatically detect when JavaScript code violates the JavaScript Standard Style style guide. In most cases, it will also auto-fix most mistakes on save (when enabled).

Installing JavaScript Standard Style

To use the StandardJS extension, the JavaScript Standard Style engine must be installed. The engine can be installed using npm. Open a new terminal window and enter the following command:

npm install standard --global

Configuring StandardJS Extension

After installing the StandardJS extension and the JavaScript Standard Style engine, some configuration is necessary to ensure that JavaScript files will automatically be linted.

Start by opening the Visual Studio Code settings.json file. This can be accomplished by selecting the Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) option from the command palette.

Screenshot with the  option selected in command palette

Add the following options to the JSON object.

"standard.enableGlobally": true,
"standard.autoFixOnSave": true,


Auto-fix is only available if Auto Save is set to off, onFocusChange, or onWindowChange.